By: Chase

Learning Stripe[draft]


I got a fulltime job recently, and I need to take charge of the payment module.

They deside to use stripe, I'll record my learning.


There are 3 different documents, let's get a clear understanding of what it is for first.

  • basic doc, which introduces the stripe comprehensive, and includes parts about integration. You can also find some basic demos on its Github from here.
  • JS doc, as its name, it's only for the frontend.
  • API doc, it's only for the backend.

Don't make a confusion about the JS Doc and API doc, in which I made a mistake for this, and waste some time.

I think the documentation is very detailed but it's not a very good reading experience for developers, and I often have to jump around between 3 documents.


check here For Frontend:

# for payment
yarn add @stripe/stripe-js
# for account informations
yarn add @stripe/connect-js

If you are developing with React, you also can check this

For Backend(NodeJS):

yarn add stripe


All Elements demo



This part is for the checkout/add payment methods...

Verification From frontend

Customer the Card


Customer UI for the PaymentElement


For the simple style customization, select a theme is enough.

 elements = stripe.elements({
    clientSecret: ...,
      appearance: {
      theme: 'night',
      labels: 'floating',
      variables: {
        colorBackground: '#060606',
        colorPrimary: '#F0CA41',
        colorDanger: '#E74D3C',
        spacingUnit: '2px',
        borderRadius: '5px',
        fontSizeBase: '14px',
      rules: {
        '.Input': {
          outline: 'none',
          border: 'none',
          borderRadius: '0',
        '.Input:focus': {
          outline: 'none',
          border: 'none',
          borderBottom: '1px solid #F0CA41',
          boxShadow: 'none',


Display the payment



const setupIntent = await stripe.setupIntents.create({
  customer: customerId,
  // more than 70 kinds
  payment_method_types: ['card', 'sepa_debit']

Add Event Listen of the StripeJS element


Connected Account

This part is for display stripe account details

Customer styles for Connected Components UI

Preview the customer style results online

Tags: stripe